Script users Register Login with PHP

A PHP script to Register and Login users in a website.

A PHP script to Register and Log users in a website, and shows the Online users; it's created with the method based on classes and objects (OOP). It uses PHP, MySQL and Ajax / JavaScript.
It has options to log in with Facebook, Yahoo, or with a Google account.
The script includes button "Remember" that gives the posibility to automaticaly login the users in the next visits.

If the user forgot the password, the script can send it to his e-mail.

Each user has a personal page that contains: an image uploaded by the user, the registration date, the last visit date, the number of visits /logins, and other personal data (name, pronoun, birthday, personal website, occupation, hobby).

In his personal page, the user can modify the password and the e-mail address added to registration, then he/she will receive an email with the new data.

The script displays the total number of users, the last registered user and the Online users.

Script users Register Login with PHP Web Site

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