Vavag url shortener

Vavag is a complete suite for create a url shortener service

Vavag is a Open Source url shortener that allows you to create collections of links, distribution over a single short URL like and then track the resulting usage. The generated short URL is easier sharing on services like email, Twitter, Facebook or blogs. Collections of links, related content to distribute such as videos, websites, photos or part of a file hosted on Megaupload, rapidshare or similar service. If the collection is a single link Vavag it works as a traditional URLs shortening service.

GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)


    URL shortener
    Creater your URL colletions: until 5 link in one short URL
    301 or 307 redirection
    Track your links: add '.st' to the end of a link
    Share and manage your link: history page
    Tools: Use the Vavag Basic bookmarklet to share a link while you are on a page
    Image preview of a link
    Google Safe Browsing API for url blacklist control (spam, malware and phishing)
    Custom short domain by user
    REST API for creating and retrieving short URLs
    Developed in Symfony 1.4 (1.4.17)

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